What do I beleive?

Simple truths i believe.


Sola fide ("by faith alone")

We are saved by faith alone, a gift from God and not of our own works. Just as we played no role in our own physical birth. We also play no role in our spiritual re-birth.

Jesus the God man

Jesus came to earth both fully man and fully God. Died for our sins. Taking the penalty and wrath of God instead of us. Only a perfect life can be a sacrifice to atone for all our sins. Death is the penalty for sin. Death and sin entered the world through the sin of Adam. And one man in Jesus the second Adam offered a way to overcome it


God created the earth and all in it. Over 6 real days

The greatest commandments

The greatest commandments. Matthew 22:37 ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.


Works are a result of faith, and play no role in your salvation.

The Light of the world

We are to be the light of the world the example to be set for the love and for treating each other with respect and kindness, we are to be the salt of the Earth that the Earth meets and not looked at as hypocrites and people that discriminate. There should be not an ounce of hate or discrimination amongst the Christian community. You can see Bible verses, where, treating someone special or having special treatment is wrong. You should treat everyone the same be they rich or black or white or poor you need to reflect Jesus his presence in your life.


Repentance is a crucial aspect of salvation. It means turning away from sin, acknowledging one’s need for forgiveness, and seeking a new direction in life aligned with God’s will.

Our Understanding

We are not meant to know and understand everything. There is plenty of the Bible we as humans won’t be able to fully comprehend nor should we try or feel bad for not understanding. His ways are higher than ours not an ounce of hate or discrimination amongst the Christian community. You can see Bible verses, where, treating someone special or having special treatment is wrong. You should treat everyone the same be they rich or black or white or poor you need to reflect Jesus his presence in your life.

The Bible

Bible is God breathe but physical written by man. It is infallible and true cover to cover.


Prayer is important. The relationship with Jesus is important, getting to know his word, and his voice is important, and we are to reflect that presence in our life and the only way to get more of that presence in us is to learn more about him. Faith is a gift from God, not anything that we earn or can create on our own